malas letak lagu...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Is it life fate or fake??

Karma told us, if you done a good thing, then the bright will side on you...
instead you done anythin' fuckin', the dark way will face on, front of you...

Nice is not always nice.. coz the beautiful fade away by the time goes by,
Nevertheless, the creator, had create every single part in this world, completely.
We as human, the slave to our lord, justify what would be, or not...
We just act as a planner..

Sometimes when we do a good deed, we don't expect anythin; from receiver..
enuff just a little respect, what we always found out, just a manner of problems..

Don't talkin' to much...about one's problem..
coz you will create another..
Not enuff than losing the one's...
Then losing one by one...
Another by another...

Try to find out, what makes you tick, as I lie down ...
Sore and sick, there's a fine line here waitin'..
Between love and hate, but I don't mind...